Saturday, January 15, 2011

Moving on

I like this blog and the name but its not mine.
So long!

Monday, January 3, 2011

One down

Found a new trail yesterday. Found several actually but a few crossed private property on the edge of the forest. I've never been in the area but every log has chain ring marks so somebody likes riding there. It connects too. We'll call it "Connector!"

Rode Abby backwards the other day. A nice change of pace. A very long ride.
Abby, ten point, ram hill, race connector, lollipop, 8 to 7, wigwam and several fire roads and trails in there too. I'm thinking it was 15 miles. It felt like 30!

Going to try to make the Tuesday ride.

Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!

Its been a good year. It went fast and that means it must have been fun. I drank too much, spent too much, rode too much and didn't camp enough. Looking back I now realize that is a great philosophy. I look forward to next year and the many events that will dot the calendar. I hope I can make all of them.
This will be the year of the explorer. I started mountian biking alone on cold winter days searching for new trails. I found many.
Since I started meeting group rides I find the same old trails losing their rush. I will post rides that anyone is welcome to attend but be aware that they will be geared towards finding the dusty corners of Michaux. They exist. We will find them. That doesn't mean we can't bomb an oldy but goody its just a move toward adding some variety.
In doing so I usually end up pushing, bushwacking or hiking. At times finding no route and turning back. In retrospect those were some of my favorite rides.
This will also be the year of the connector. You'll have to find that one on your own.
I have no idea who that girl is. She loves socks and tee shirts but refuses to wear anything else. You gotta love that! I can only hope she owns a mountain bike.

Friday, December 17, 2010

What about Superior riders?

I snapped this picture of some bike art at a physical therapy office I was working near. There is a complete road bike attached to the face of this artwork. Can you see it?

This is an unusual sign to see in the middle of a major city! Turned out to be pretty a nice trail along the river with some technical stuff.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Good Ta Go

I took susan to the Good Ta Go tonight for a hotdog and a beer.
$56 later we crawled out with a mixed six and headed home!!!!
That place rocks!!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

State Sanctioned Single Track

I was in Ohio this week and while riding in the MetroParks (road bike mecca) I was "welcomed" by a park ranger. Since there is no trail riding permitted in the park he wanted to know what I was up to sporting a full suspension with mud dawgs. As I was swearing on famous peoples graves that I didn't so much as ride off the edge of the paved path he reassured me that my bike was far too clean to be guilty of that! (where have I heard that before???) It cost a lot and I take care of it OK?
He gave me a "bootleg" warning card and some maps of sanctioned single track located in a nearby State Park. He was nice about it but VERY clear that the Cleveland MetroParks is protected land. Fair enough.
I liked the thought of checking out local single track and figured I'd crush anything Ohio had to offer. It's flat land and mountain bikes seem about as rare as Big Foot! So, about an hour later there I was at Findley State Park ready to hit the trail.

What I found was awesome. Aside from being a little muddy from storms the day before it had flow and some great features. It even had some short climbs which they made steep enough to be challenging.

EZ log over.

A 60 foot long skinney, ladders over bogs.

Seesaws!! Fun stuff!

Nice ladder bridges with chicken wire for great traction!
I was completely impressed and had a great time.

The features went on and on. After about the 3/4 point on the loop it seemed like one right after the other. Logs, ramps, skinney, stunts, all with go arounds to make the ride as hard or EZ as the rider chooses. Nice, fun and remarkably LEGAL!
Cheers to the North Coast Mountainbike Assn.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

There's history in those woods.

I took my dogs for a walk yesterday. We checked out some gate trails along Michaux Rd. What I found was interesting. Many items mark this place, but its grown over alomost completely. So, I did some research when I got home and found a gold mine site of information.
The CCC camp became a POW camp in WWII and then a church camp after that. Although its gone, it lives on in the hearts of many.
See for yourself.
Camp Michaux